Sunday, January 24, 2010


I'm saving a lot of time not eating chocolate. This time, that was once occupied by baking cookies, brownies, and shopping for cookies and brownies, is now being filled with some productive and some unproductive decisions...

1.) I went to a wedding 7 hours away and I didn't know anyone...not even the bride or groom...totally fun!
2.) I died my hair from blond to milk chocolate brown...just because.
3.) I choose to keep driving despite the 30 cop cars that were obviously slowing down. Five minutes later, myself and three girls were screaming in the car as we suddenly realized we were in the middle of high speed car chase on Interstate 40....note to self, be more aware.
4.) I decided to buy a stability ball, like the ones you see at gyms or on info commercials at 3am. I am taking my stability ball to work tomorrow and using it as my desk chair. Don't worry, I asked around at work to see how much grief I would get from this stunt...I don't think too many people will make fun of me.
5.) In an effort to get stronger I took a group power class last week. I arrived 5 minutes early to get a spot a in the back of the aerobics room. Come to find out, most people arrive 15 minutes prior to the class. The instructor set up my equipment in the first row in the middle. I pretty much stared into her eyes the entire time. It was sooooo awkward. Plus I had no idea what I was doing...too bad the instructor wasn't a man. I could of used some help.
6.) I decided to run a marathon some time this year. I told everyone. I was like "How could it be?" The problem is, I haven't actually signed up for a race or started training....I'm starting to think this could be really hard.

Annie remember that time when you went to the gym with me. (Yeah...that happened ONLY one time). The class we were going to wasn't in session because it was Martin Luther King day or President's Day or something. I could tell you were very disappointed.