Sunday, January 24, 2010

Ooops, I did it again!

First of all, Brandis is mean. Look what she posted to my Facebook profile:

Is this fair?? I feel like there should be rules against this type of behavior. Maybe I should just step up my game and mail her a king-sized Hershey bar.

Secondly, I am so dumb. This post is not about Brittney Spears, but I did it again, y'all.

Today after church, my small group met for lunch. It was our turn to provide lunch, so we made baked spaghetti and bought bread and chocolate chip cookies. I filled my plate really full of spaghetti, ate it all, and went back for seconds. I put two cookies on my plate.

After I took a bite of about 1/3 of the cookie, Eli gave me a funny look. I thought he was trying to criticize me for having too many cookies. In my mind I thought, But I'm only eating two! Usually I eat way more! Then I realized what I had done.

And right then and there, in the middle of a deep discussion of the spiritual implications of the message that morning, I went to the bathroom and spit out the cookie into a napkin.

Honestly, the hardest part for me of this whole challenge is remembering not to eat chocolate!

Lastly, I think Brandis and I need to be more up front about the rules. At the beginning of this challenge, Brandis requested that she still be able to enjoy her morning chocolate shake. She has some kind of breakfast drink that she mixes with chocolate ice cream. I was okay with that, so we decided that I'm allowed to have hot chocolate as a concession to me. So this challenge is almost 100% chocolate free. And, for the record, I have not had any hot chocolate since we began. But I don't think Brandis could say the same of her morning shakes.