Sunday, January 17, 2010

Step 1. Give all chocolate in my kitchen away...or eat all of it

When I woke up this morning I was faced challenge #1- Give all chocolate in my kitchen away or eat all of it before midnight. For a chocoholic this was a daunting task. Annie gave me a beautiful, extra chocolate, extra chip, cheesecake as a parting gift from visiting her on Saturday. As I write this I am wondering if this was her plan---to sabotage me? Sigh......So for lunch I had 2 slices of cheesecake, packed the rest in to go boxes, and walked down the street to Katie's (our other college roommate) house. I knew she would be supportive and eat the rest of the cheesecake.

This afternoon I went to the gym and thought about air freshners. Why can't there be an air freshner or a spray that squirts chocolate- one whiff and you're over your craving!?!? I would buy it. I would be 5 of them.

I just remembered there is a bag of chocolate chip muffins in the fridge. The only time I buy chocolate chip muffins is at gas stations when I'm traveling. So happens I was traveling on Friday and the Little Debbie snacks were displayed so nicely next to the magazine rack with all of the "get skinny in the new year" articles advertised on the front covers. I swear I was reading those magazines. I didn't even want the little debbies, but because they were there...I bought them. I have to eat those muffins tonight.

....I can do this...I can do this...I can do this....