Tuesday, January 19, 2010

It was an accident... I swear!

Today I went to my regular nannying job. I opened the pantry door and browsed the cereal. Raisin Bran, Trix, Cocoa Puffs... and I chose my usual--Cocoa Puffs.

I poured a bowl, was disappointed at how little was left (I was going to finish off the box), and popped THREE puffs into my mouth.

As soon as they touched my tongue, I realized what I had done--they were CHOCOLATE!

Don't worry, I spit them out in the trash, poured my bowl back into the box, and chose waffles instead.

Close call!

I also successfully avoided drinking chocolate milk and having chocolate teddy grahams for a snack later in the day. Can you tell I work with kids? These are some serious kiddie cravings!