Monday, January 18, 2010

Threw eggs away.

Woke up this morning thinking about chocolate. Went to a friend's house and pretended to ignore the candy jar sitting on her coffee table. Went to the grocery and successfully walked past the baking isle, the candy isle, the valentine candy isle, the cookie dough section, and sped through the checkout line to resist temptation to purchase chocolate. Went to Walgreens...twice. Twice said no to the check-out lady when she offered a deal on candy bars. Went back to my friend's house and watched her eat a piece of cheesecake...that I gave to her yesterday because I'm giving up chocolate! Went to another friend's house where friends asked if I was making a cheesecake or brownies in the near future. To resist teasing and temptation, went home to cook dinner. Realized I have just enough eggs to make brownies. Threw eggs away.